Yarn, What yarn??????????????
Afterwards, being the last person to GET to this event, I was in no hurry to get into the line for the book signing. I was happy to sit for awhile in the nice, soft, comfy chairs and knit a bit. I asked a lady at the end of the line where to put the hats. We got to talking and I really liked the yarn she was using to kit up a log cabin blanket with. I thought she was changing colors to find out that her yarn had really long color changes. And it was cotton and it was SOFT! Now, understand that I know NO ONE here. So, can you imagine who this lady was? Come on now...full circle here. Get ready for it!
It's Denise! Denise from the tickets in the morning! Can you believe it? The two tickets that I offered at the last minute, one saved me on the freeways...and one was a lovely conversation while I was waiting my turn. What are the odds? Unfreakin' believable.
The story continues. (told you I tell long stories). How many snickers bars are you up to by now?
Time comes and the security guard comes to lock the door and Denise and I head for the end of the line where I reach into my bag to start knitting like everyone else. Only. My needle is missing. (figures) Gimp gimp back to the door, to find the security lady outside of the door. Wait, I need to get in for a quick moment, I think I left my needle there. Ummmmm shes says, I just locked the door. But my needle is in there! Okkkkkk, I guess I could get the keys. (I'm thinking she's not a knitter and she's not happy with me.) Back to the line I head thinking again, Thanks Maggie for the suggestion of more than one project, and out comes the baby blanket!
But wait, it gets better.
Finally, the line is nearly at the end and it's time to get the book signed and say our thank yous hand over the hats and head out the door.
But that would be too easy after all of this - huh? Denise takes the picture for me (sorry about the fuzzy on some of these, I MAY have dropped my lens this week and the auto focus won't work)
just about the time the security lady comes back with the keys to the Auditorium. I'm telling the amazingly shortened version of my 'I was the last person here, and Joyce was wonderful getting me here, after being on the phone forever with me, I have to go find her to thank her from the bottom of my heart." story, when the girl behind the counter says (ready for this?)
That's Joyce right there! and points to the security lady with the keys to be able to retrieve my lost needle! I begin to bow to Joyce and say, You're Joyce? I'm Cathy! and Joyce, poor Joyce, realizes who I am and that she's been taking care of my Lost Issues coming and going all day and gives me a look that brought the whole day together for me! She stopped and well, you know that look...the one that says...of course! Who else would need the additional help today! It couldn't have happened to ANYONE ELSE! (I tried to get Joyce's picture, but she declined.)
Another full circle moment today!
Moral of the stories....read the directions. Carefully. Both in knitting and driving and while you're at it.... Learn from someone else's mistakes..mine, for example.
So, tonight now that I'm home, and on the sofa, and have been getting text messages from the girls at their concert, I have to say a whole lot of Thank yous to lots of people!
1) Thank you Stephanie, for coming to town, for writing your books, and for the opportunity to sit in a room with so many other knitters knitting and laughing along together. It felt GREAT! to be in the company of so many knitters.
2) Thanks knitters for being who you are..Stephanie said it best through her stories today about the quality of knitters' and who they are.
3) Thanks to Maggie and Denise for the roles you unwittingly played in my saga today so I could get there and enjoy it all the more.
4) And last, but certainly not least...Thank you Joyce for getting me To the Mark Taper Auditorium (not the Forum) and home, and for letting me retrieve my lost needle.
I had a really good time, and I hope everyone there did as well. And thanks for letting me talk on and on (can you tell I was nervous) both there and in written story form.
I've been told I need to get out more often.
I think I agree.
Just not on the LA Freeways, please.
At least until I learn them better.
I have until October when Laurie's book comes out to figure out the correct directions.
This is how the freeways should be...and how they were on the way home. No slow downs, and no stopped traffic. Just clear sailing!
And if you're still here at the end of this saga....in other news...there was good and best news to be told today. Which would you like first?
ok....Good news...that 'unmentionable' team from last week...pulled one off...Thankgoodness! I was ready to tell them to shutter up the stadium and call it a year.
But, as much fun as it was today listening to Stephanie, and meeting others and laughing and knitting together..the best news came while I was waiting to get into line for the book signing...I called home to find out that MY DAD IS FINALLY HOME! after 12 days in the hospital, he was released at 9pm the other night and is finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy home! He's on a pic iv line, and Mom has been trained to give him his medication at home, but he's finally home! HOT DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!! It's about time!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all for the emails and well wishes for him. He's home and still CANCER FREE! May that last a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long time.
Now, as Stephanie would say...I think I need a little lie down. Or some screetch. (Do they even sell screetch around here?)