Here's the 100" scarf nearly finished. While at this stage I thought it might be long enough to accomplish the goal of wrapping twice around to keep the son warm in the frozen Northeast, I asked a couple of 'models' to help me test the length in order to send the pictures off to the son for approval. Tell me how cute these are? Now, to be fair...the daughter was freezing her toes off! Nice-huh? come home for Spring Break just to freeze!
The scarf at 100" hanging loose both in finished and nearly finished states.
Wrapped once around the neck.
Wrapped once around the neck and again around the face. I'm hoping that it'll do the trick with the Nor'easter begin to blow!
More homework reading time-boy does this bring back memories of my kids when they were little. I loved it when they were learning to read and then filling in their reading time reading out loud to me for their reading credit time! Quite often they'd read while I was making dinner. It's a great idea if you enjoy children's literature to get in more 'story time' as you go through your daily routine while listening to your children's progress.
Best baker's helper was on tap for frosting the cake. He did one side while I did the other and raced to the center. Loved the help, too!
Now, this has got to be one of my favorite pictures. I hope you can see her hands in it...once a kid...always let the inner child come streaming through...Make a wish!
How many do you know who can schedule Spring Break to share with lots of family and celebrate a birthday? I know I never did.
The evening was capped off as Syracuse went into their 2nd of 6 OT's in their hard won basketball game. It was a great game, and one of her favorite TV activities...NCAA basketball season is at hand-guess what will be on her DVR?
Now, how can you not love a kid who brings over coffee (to break an asthma attack) and cream cheese and bagels? (Don't hate me for the pictures-they're just too darned cute not to post! and rumor has it, they look just like me!) Oh, and she got me active over on Facebook, too while she was here! It was a lot of fun the past week to get intouch with bunches of her friends and some of my old college buddies from back at SVSC, too! Did you know there are knitting groups on Facebook, too? Oh baby!
Yep, far too short a visit and can't wait to see you over the summer! So, who needs a Social Work Intern this summer? I know of two ladies looking for an internship!
Yep, far too short a visit and can't wait to see you over the summer! So, who needs a Social Work Intern this summer? I know of two ladies looking for an internship!