OK, so I haven't posted much. Well, I've been rather busy.
Last Saturday we had a very longgggggggggggggggg day! We started out before the crack of dawn. OK, it was closer to 7:30 am heading up to the Southern California Flower Mart. I tell you-it makes you want to NEVER step foot into a flower shop again! 25 roses for $15!
Then over to the Bridal store, OK it was 3 of them before lunch..but I can't show you those! (the dresses I mean...)
Before heading over to play with the flowers. By the time I got home again, it was well after midnight! But it was a lot of fun. A real Girls Day!

On Monday we FINALLY celebrated the daughter's birthday...better than last year when we didn't get our schedules matched up until September, and I finished felting all those oven mitts and trivets. Love that "Felted Knits" book! Yep, she's a real pink and purple kinda girl!
By Tuesday, my foot looked like this. See the bump above my ankle? Between the walking, the standing, and the fact that I tripped 3 times within a couple of hours, I was in trouble. Same place that I broke it nearly 5 years ago.

What's a girl to do when sitting all week with her foot up? She knits, of course!
Finished a couple of Grandma's Favorites and some more Tribbles-check out how the yarns striped themselves!
Finished the Baby Jiffy Knit sweater with the Simply Soft Lemonade yarn my Mom untangled for me while I was back in Michigan. (size (US)7 (4.5mm) addi lace turbos, in case you're wondering.

FINALLY finished The "H" store Rib Knit Scarf I'd started well over a year ago. 2 skeins of two colors of Plymouth Encore worsted, double stranded on (US) 11 (8.0mm) needles. 4 Rows of each color, running the 'unused' color up the side. The pattern is over there<---. Friday
Friday found me back once again on my Dad's vest. (It's about time huh?) Dad has been moved to the Special Care section of the West Campus. Mom isn't happy with how little he's eating, but all tubes have pretty much been removed and he's up and walking as part of his physical therapy daily. Little by little, he's showing improvement.
Later on Friday night, daughter mentioned that she was going to a Bridal Shower for a friend of hers. So, between what I already had on hand, and the yarn in the 'stash' I started knitting up a few more.
With a mixing bowl set and a couple of spatulas from the Food Network's line at Kohl's, we wrapped up a bit of knitting for the kitchen! Now, I ask you, for a Bride from UCLA during March Madness...doesn't that Tribble look like it could double as a basketball if I had just added a couple of brown 'seams'? In case you're interested: Green: Christmas Lace Dishcloth, Multi UCLA colors: Grandma's Favorites, Orange: Puffy Basketweave Dishcloth and Tribble, Blue and White Multi: Grandma's Favorite and Tribble, Navy: KBB Dishcloth and KBB Kitchen Hanging Hand Towel, While and light blue; Bridal Shower Lace.