So I've been sick for the past several days. I hate being sick. It plain stinks. You start with a sore throat...spreads to making your eyes water, then your nose runs..well, you get the picture, right? But then all you want to do is get some sleep and will that doggone cold away. For me? That's when the crazy dreams start creeping in. Shazam! is what I heard in my sleep, as if I was channeling Gomer Pyle. Yes, complete with his voice, accent and all. And then it flipped to the socks I'm working on for Mom. Shazam! Like that, we have two socks going at once. But then a few hours later, I get Mike Meyer's voice running through my cold infected dreams hearing him in his best SNL Linda Richman voice saying, 'Like buttah' pointing to both the needles and the color of these socks. Ulg, I don't want to be sick anymore. But I am enjoying these socks. And the needles, "Give a call, we'll talk, no big whoop." Oh, Linda Richman, where are you these days? |
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Ok, so prior to getting sick, there was a whole lot of knitting going on. You now have the 'Simply a Rug' pattern ready for your kitchen floor, or bathroom, or back door....or where ever the stash of cotton you have will match the colors in your favorite rug kinda place. See? I used 4 strands of cotton at a time with big old needles to make a rug I love to stand on at my kitchen sink in bare feet. Because I used the 14-16oz sizes of huge cones and skeins, I have enough to make at least one more if not two more rugs and they will all match. I used two solid blues, one multi blue and one solid white yarn. The pictures don't even really show the yellow in the multi blue skein. I have a request now for a brown rug for baby daughter. That should be a good choice to keep the 'stuff' from showing the first week of use. I like having multiple rugs to swap in and out while doing laundry. I'm guessing that in the future, I'll end up letting these air dry rather than pop 'em into the dryer. Who knows, but I'll try and remember to let you down down that road. Can't wait to get a few more things off my 'to do' list so I can see how the brown rug turns out. I have soooooooooooo many of those cotton big skeins here, and now I know how I want to mix and match them up. Can you imagine what colors you can put together if you use Peaches & Creme and actually order colors you want to put together, rather than just what you have sitting around? OOOOO girl, note to self...don't tap into that thought, the idea was to use up what you have and do some serious cotton stash busting! ya, ya, ya...I hear ya... |
I know that this picture doesn't make these little bitty pink sockies look like they match, but they do. My baby brother's Step daughter is about to have baby #2 in September. And this time, it's a girl! When I asked him which colors she was interested in for a baby blanket, he said white and pink and the socks just hollered at me, that they just HAD to be knit up. |
Big brother who was the recipient of this blanket back nearly three years ago, claimed his pawpawa's Tiger's inspired colored hat this Christmas, so I figured he needs to have his own big brother gift to open. He is a lover of all things 'Nemo blue' and this was made from some of the AC Moore blue yarn that I've yet to bust into to. I used the same Mushroom cap pattern in the 80 st cast on as all the other hats I knit for last year's Christmas gifts. I just love how the ribbing makes that hat fit soooooo many different sized heads. Granted some need to be longer, and some shorter, but you don't really have to worry about the width! yeah! If it ain't broke, don't fix it, I say. |