I want to knit up Island Fudge socks in the Wildfoote Lullaby for my Mom. And I can't find my blasted needles anywhere! When I was home with Mom recently, I found this yarn in two stores, actually. So now I have four skeins of it. Ya, brain cells not connecting at some point, I tell ya. Anyway, Mom's been partial to her yellow slacks and yellow top with the light houses on it. This color is a perfect match. Now that I've finally figured out the feel of making socks, I want to make her some with cables. Going through all the sock patterns that I've got marked over in Ravelry, I came up to this one that I'd purchased last year, and I think it's perfect for Mom! Not only is it named after the Murdick's Fudge Shop (where I worked the summer of 1979), it's got cables that Mom loves, and being a part of her 'Michiganisms' group of patterns, what would be better for a Mom in Michigan, than a pair of socks from a 'Michigan' pattern, knit with sock yarn that I bought in Michigan, knit from a Michigan hearted daughter? eh?
It all works out well, until you can't find the blasted needles you just finished a pair of socks with a couple of weeks ago. What's a knitter to do??????????????
*ahem* you go shopping. And you fall in love with a new pair of needles. May I introduce you to....
Lantern Moon's Sox Stix, 5" in Rosewood, size 2.75mm.
OOOOOOOOOOOh, baby! Yes, I think we'll have a very long lasting relationship. They come in a pretty sack with six, yes Six! double points!
Well, that is if I can keep track of where they go when I'm done with this pattern. See how fast they knit up last night? I love these as much as I love my Addi's. And y'all know how much I love my Addi's!