My apologies for the very poor pictures, but since my computer is still broken, this is the best I can do for now. The good news is that my niece's 'Can you knit me something for my purple and black bedroom' afghan not only made the calendar, but it made the inside title page as well! They have labeled it, 'Quick Feather and Fan Afghan'. You can find it on March 5th and 6th. So, grab your calendar, pull out your chunky needles and worsted yarn and make something that's going to be really warm come those colder months down the road! I'll be back when this computer situation gets solved. *sigh*....
I'm a Bruinmom (a Hoosiermom, a Terriermom, and an Orangemom now, too) with a Wolverine heart! And a lot of yarn on the side.
Ravelry ID: Bruinmom99
Questions? Email me at:
bruinmom99 (at) yahoo (dot) com
(take out the spaces and add the well, you know what to do...