Kinda like this picture looks...

And this stuff doesn't quite cut the 'mustard'...and you don't want an old fashioned 'mustard pack' laying on your's time one caves in and 'froggs' the old routine and tries something new. Like ripping out a project that just isn't working and...

...heads for the doctor's and gets a new 'pattern' to follow. Such as asthma drugs to open your lungs when a cold brings on the mother-of-all-attacks and you can't get air lower than your collarbone into your lungs to be able to sleep in 4 days. While I'm not in anyway back to fluff...I can say I'm on the healing side of this frogged prior treatment. And might I add...predizone can REALLY kick some serious butt! Within 15 minutes I could feel a difference and for the next 8 hours the warning of 'could make you jittery' was a gross understatement. Blessings on the knowledge that the medical community has that they can make in my lungs. Know what else feels good right now?

These, they're not just plain tissues...look closer....

plus lotion!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Makes your nose say...AHHHHHHHHHHHH.....

and this makes the back of my ripped throat say...AHHHHHHHHHH.....

and then when your nose opens up for a moment...and you can finally smell these, well, they help, too, go from AWWWWWWWWW..... (Monday night I would have called these funeral flowers, but today I'll call them 'Get better fast! flowers'. )
Anyway, now I can get back to the knitting-sorta, but I think I'm going to stick to some more of the baby washcloths that I've pledged for BOL as our monthly project on AC4C. I tried to do the 2nd pocket of the sweater from the Yarn Forward Magazine. Have you seen it yet?

My recent emailed newsletter from Threadbear (out of Lansing, Mi) even had a blurb on it. I really like this magazine (aside from the price tag, since it's from the UK. Anyway, the top picture on this post is the current look of both pockets. I couldn't figure out how to get them to match (thick, clogged brain...), so I've ripped them both out and will knit them at the same time. Shhhheessshh...I know better. Works so much better for me to knit things two at a time. Even when my brain's 'NOT ON DRUGS'....

When I saw this sweater (Classic Car Coat by Sue Hanmore) I wanted to make it, but for me it HAS to have buttons. I'm also debating on the cuffs of the sleeves. I made opt out for some regular ribbing. Not sure yet. I'm thinking a clear head would be better to wait on before making those decisions. (good idea?) I don't own a heavy coat for 'winter wear'. I have a jacket for going home to snow country. But so often I want a sweater to wear that covers my butt for that in between weather. The sweater that I've been wearing for the past 6 years, well, frankly needs to be replaced. So I have it on my to-do list to knit a couple that I can switch between. Really, when you're down to having a lot of yarn and the knitting skills, but you're wearing the same old tired sweater that now has one sleeve's time. agreed? Figures, I'd try to start the sweater in the midst of testing over the counter medicines-huh? timing. eh?
...heads for the doctor's and gets a new 'pattern' to follow. Such as asthma drugs to open your lungs when a cold brings on the mother-of-all-attacks and you can't get air lower than your collarbone into your lungs to be able to sleep in 4 days. While I'm not in anyway back to fluff...I can say I'm on the healing side of this frogged prior treatment. And might I add...predizone can REALLY kick some serious butt! Within 15 minutes I could feel a difference and for the next 8 hours the warning of 'could make you jittery' was a gross understatement. Blessings on the knowledge that the medical community has that they can make in my lungs. Know what else feels good right now?
These, they're not just plain tissues...look closer....
plus lotion!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Makes your nose say...AHHHHHHHHHHHH.....
and this makes the back of my ripped throat say...AHHHHHHHHHH.....
and then when your nose opens up for a moment...and you can finally smell these, well, they help, too, go from AWWWWWWWWW..... (Monday night I would have called these funeral flowers, but today I'll call them 'Get better fast! flowers'. )
Anyway, now I can get back to the knitting-sorta, but I think I'm going to stick to some more of the baby washcloths that I've pledged for BOL as our monthly project on AC4C. I tried to do the 2nd pocket of the sweater from the Yarn Forward Magazine. Have you seen it yet?
My recent emailed newsletter from Threadbear (out of Lansing, Mi) even had a blurb on it. I really like this magazine (aside from the price tag, since it's from the UK. Anyway, the top picture on this post is the current look of both pockets. I couldn't figure out how to get them to match (thick, clogged brain...), so I've ripped them both out and will knit them at the same time. Shhhheessshh...I know better. Works so much better for me to knit things two at a time. Even when my brain's 'NOT ON DRUGS'....
When I saw this sweater (Classic Car Coat by Sue Hanmore) I wanted to make it, but for me it HAS to have buttons. I'm also debating on the cuffs of the sleeves. I made opt out for some regular ribbing. Not sure yet. I'm thinking a clear head would be better to wait on before making those decisions. (good idea?) I don't own a heavy coat for 'winter wear'. I have a jacket for going home to snow country. But so often I want a sweater to wear that covers my butt for that in between weather. The sweater that I've been wearing for the past 6 years, well, frankly needs to be replaced. So I have it on my to-do list to knit a couple that I can switch between. Really, when you're down to having a lot of yarn and the knitting skills, but you're wearing the same old tired sweater that now has one sleeve's time. agreed? Figures, I'd try to start the sweater in the midst of testing over the counter medicines-huh? timing. eh?
Back to the baby washcloths until my head (and lungs) clears to my normal. (I can hear you ask, What's Normal? har har...) Well, washcloths and a few long-awaited naps.