If I show you pictures of Cheeseburger Pies, can you guess who I saw last week?
Yep, the end is very near of the professional student days for these 3...May 3rd to be exact will be the event of a life time as they're hooded during Graduation Ceremonies! You can bet this 'mom with a camera' will be there!
Then, over the weekend daughter and I went with one of my 'extra kids' to help with her company picnic. I got to sit in the shade watching the little ones at the bounce house while my 'playground supervisory voice' was put into use one more time. It was sooooooooooooooo hot out in Southern California and windy!
While at the park on Saturday, I got to work on something in cotton that with any luck will be posted next week....so stay tuned! But here's a little sneak peak...you all know that Earth Day is next week-right? Can you guess what I'm working on? Here's another hint, it's a nod to my Auntie "M" who taught me to knit a gazillion years ago...
Sunday afternoon found me working (in 97*F heat) on stitch markers. After looking at the pictures of the vest last week, I thought I should really use some of the beads I've purchased for such a purpose.

I think they look prettier in the vest than the plastic ones. Not that I have anything against the plastic ones, but I like the beaded stitch markers and row markers. And since I have a 'few' beads, time to make up some more. I keep losing or giving away the other ones I've made in the past.
Since the heat has cooled off a bit more, I've been able to get back to working on Dad's vest...it's soooooooooooo close to the end. If it wasn't so important to get it finished, I'd be sad to come to the end. I'm really enjoying working on a cabled project once again. I have noticed in this pattern (Men's Cabled Golf Vest from June, 2007 issue of Knit 'n Style) that the gauge for the cabled pattern doesn't match what I'm receiving, but the measurements of each of the pieces are right on the money. So, I'm going to figure that their cable gauge was a typo. And with that....

I leave you with a couple of pictures of the vest at this point while I go attempt some knitting. I've got deadlines to meet! And with any luck...good news this Friday and a new pattern next week! Boy, do my needles need to get clicking!