I thought I was going to take some knitting pictures outside today. Nope. Because at 2pm this is how the sun looked in front and behind my house.
The black ash cloud has an edge...from the back yard...

...the street near my house looking towards Yorba Linda/Corona....can you see how blue it SHOULD have been today?

...down the street...

Looking eastward towards Yorba Linda with a longer lens...

...the street near my house looking towards Yorba Linda/Corona....can you see how blue it SHOULD have been today?
...down the street...
Looking eastward towards Yorba Linda with a longer lens...
Those aren't snowflakes-they're ashes that I caught from the air. They used to be parts of some body's house.

Ashes landing on the plastic chairs and table in the back yard...

and all over the ground. The brown? Those are little leaves..the back are ashes and soot.
And I thought my lungs hurt earlier this week with my Asthma. Nope...wait, didn't we 'played' this 'game' before? I'm tired of it. Tired of it being 90*F and keeping the windows closed, smelling like standing in a fire pit.
Ashes landing on the plastic chairs and table in the back yard...
and all over the ground. The brown? Those are little leaves..the back are ashes and soot.
And I thought my lungs hurt earlier this week with my Asthma. Nope...wait, didn't we 'played' this 'game' before? I'm tired of it. Tired of it being 90*F and keeping the windows closed, smelling like standing in a fire pit.
I have a headache and I'm wheezing. Again. ...and I'm a lucky one.
It's not my house or neighborhood on fire.