Just where did September go? I know, I've been busy, and not sharing well with you all. But I think I'll make up for it here. Sit back and come with me on my journey!

When was the last time you cooked up a batch of No Bake cookies? I think the last time I made these, I was at Beth's house after school way back in jr. high school for me. Boy are, I mean were these good! But I'd forgotten how sugary they were! Makes me want to go grab a glass of milk all over again.
Made a slew of stitch markers for a friend and her Mom to share.
Finished the 'Cuse Scarf (Used Flaunt your Colors Scarf pattern and 2 skeins each of the orange and navy Plymouth's Encore yarn, and 60 st cast on size) which then was mailed to daughter. However, I'd really like the flier miles the scarf went, since it made it way via the postal system to New Hampshire, back to Long Beach, CA, then to Anaheim, before crossing the country once more up to New York for it's delivery! Man, what a trip that scarf made! (See what putting tracking numbers on your packages will do for your handknits?)
Finished the hospital socks and they're just waiting for the final try on before I graft the toes shut. Why is it, that when I want the kids to try on the stuff I knit for them, their schedules just never seem to match with mine? Makes you wish they'd never grown up-eh? Not to mention you'd not have to knit size 13 mens socks, either! Kids sizes would be finished so much faster!
Finished almost the whole kitchen set for the kid's friend's wedding gift (Cables 'n Columns set from the 2011 Dishcloth calendar using a cone of Peaches & Creme cotton )
Hugged a kid...
Added fringe to the high flying miles 'Cuse Scarf...

Hugged another kid...
When I finished the last placemat, look how much I had left from the cone of cotton? Oh, how I love using cones to knit the kitchen sets! No ends to weave in and plenty of cotton to knit the whole set in the same dye lot.
And now Mom's socks are within moments away of starting the toes! Yea! They will be ready to gift to her the next time I go to see her. Now, shhhhhh don't anyone tell her! I can't wait to start a pair of these for myself!