I'm sorry it's been so long....let's see what knitting things we can share....
Yankee Knitter Designs #25, Adult's Cable Cardigan by Melinda Goodfellow. Oh how I love her designs! Easy and simple to follow. I knitted it in one piece from the bottom up, splitting for the armholes and adding sleeves. Mom picked out the pattern, the yarn and the color and she loves it! |
Yep...she loves her sweater! And it's been washed a couple of times since and looks like it was still brand new. Love those yankee knitter patterns!
Magic Numbers Scarf- the LYS by the house was knitting these and we jumped on the bandwagon. Using the same needles throughout I find it interesting how the first half had a smaller plaid than the second half. Gave them to my daughter for Christmas and was laughing that they matched her plaid pj's perfectly! |
Another mushroom that that I've made a million times before....out of Michigan Tech colors |
An Antler Hat and Fisherman's Pullover by Lee Grand from 60 Quick Baby Knits book... |
A pink Just My Size Little Miss B's Preemie Baby Blanket out of Hobby's I love this yarn! Sport Weight... | | |
Mushroom cap #23, by Morehouse designs. A great go-to cap for charity knitting when you don't know which sized head it will end up on. And a great way to knit up some paton's classic wool in your left over bins. |
Year's ago when Michigan Knits started a kniting day to raise funds for cancer patients, they put out a pattern for a garter stitch had for chemo hats. I used a double strand of Universal's Yarn Deluxe Worsted Tones in their Jungle Greens I'd ordered from DBNY years ago. I was going to donate this to the local shelter until Mom claimed this for herself. Who am I to argue with her? No way! Hat's hers! Very warm and another stash busting moment. |
A million years ago when I started reading blogs I watched and learned about this amazing sock yarn called Opal. Longbefore I knit any socks. I also watched other knitters start picking up sock yarn as they traveled as their souvenirs while traveling. Something small, something squishy, something that will get used once home. Well, I'm no dummy. This skein I found 'just down the street' at a fairly recent shopping trip and with the Super Bowl with the Pats playing I KNEW after two kids had lived in Boston, they were destined to become my socks for Super Bowl Sunday, 2015. However, they were also the first pair I knit on size 00(1.75mm) magic loop and they ended up fitting my youngest daughter better thanthey fit me. So, Ms. Boston took them home with her two Sundays later after a quick visit to hug her Momma. Knowing the story of the colors and the deadline/purpose of the socks? Well, seems that they were made just for her in the long run! While this was the most recent Opal purchase, it was not the first pair of Opal socks I'd knit, nor the last-I do have some more waiting in the wings so to speak....right about now I wish I were an octopus so I could really get to multitasking around here! Can you imagine knitting 4 pairs of socks at once? Without tangling it all up together! Yup, I dream big boys and girls...I tend to dream big. | |

Knitting Pure and Simple patterns are another great place to start, or for a quick knit when you want to match a pair of socks to the previous red hat for the shelter in the winter knitting group. Also knit from the same red and black Paton's classic wool stash busting bins. #998 Men's Heavy Weight Botton Sock by Diane Soucy, using a (US) 5 (3.75mm) circular needles. |
Way back in April, 2009 I spent Easter Sunday with my daughter in Syracuse, NY. I picked up some yarn while there and took the picture of it with her Easter Basket. I managed to get one of the dishcloths finished before life took an immediate left turn and so many of my things were left behind in California and eventually packed up into storage units. Well, I have FINALLY gotten this project finished! All done! And gifted to the same daughter for Easter Sunday, 2015. Six years to knit up seven dishcloths? Ummm, yea, that wasn't the original plan. But, now that they are done, onto the next of a gazillion miles long to-do list. Funny how lift throws a whole lot of left turns at your list. 'eh? |

How many of you have seen these pj pants from Target? Folks on the FB Knit and Chat group have been making them the 'uniform' of the day. I was surprised when a squishy package was delivered to the door with a pair from an amazing friend in California. Thank you Cyndi! Oh how I miss our road trips and evenings spent clicking our needles together. We will do that again some day! I'm counting on it! |
Yet another Feather and Fan Rainbow Baby Blanket finished. This is the longer crib sized version. Oldest daughter has less than 8 weeks before her due date! But...shhhhhhhhhh don't tell her I made her one! It's her favorite pattern for me to make for her gifts to her perpetually procreating friends and family! Now, she's getting one for her baby. Providing she let's the baby have a turn and doesn't keep it for herself... |
Must close for now...Still have a lot to finish up around here? If you're popping in to see 'Oh my goodness she added another entry to the long neglected blog!', please don't faint...land know the needles are still in use. Life is a constant change around here. Some things are just very time consuming and I'm sorry we haven't had enough visits...I still think about you all. Thanks for stopping by! | |
Happy Tax Day!